Tillandsie: So hast Du lange Freude an deiner Luftpflanze-Botanicly

Tillandsia: This way you can enjoy your air plant for a long time

Air plants are true artists. Their small, wiry roots are not designed to absorb nutrients and water. The little plants just hold on to it. But how the Tillandsia absorbs water and how you can enjoy these fascinating plants for a long time in a simple but original way!

The Tillandsia genus

The Tillandsia genus includes around 500 species. They are available in intense shades of green through to a glossy grey. If you put a little effort into caring for it, it will reward you with a beautiful filigree flower, which can last up to three months. The air plant, which belongs to the pineapple family, has small wiry roots. With these it clings to its subsoil and can be found on dead tree parts, telephone wires, roofs, walls or simply on the ground. A tillandsia occurs in tropical rainforests, but also in desert regions.

About suction scales, lime and spray bottles

A rule of thumb says: the greener your tillandsia, the less sun and more water it needs. So if you have got yourself an air plant, first research what kind of air plant it is. You then water them accordingly. Since tillandsias do not have roots to absorb water, they absorb nutrients and water through tiny suction scales on their leaves. Such suction scales work something like this: if the plant needs water, they open to absorb water from the air, rain or dew and thus also filter out the required minerals. However, these filigree suction scales tend to stick together due to the lime in our tap water. You can use rainwater, distilled water or long-boiled water to water your tillandsia. Your water should be at room temperature so that your plants do not suffer from a cold shock. Here you get short and concise instructions for watering your air plants:

Variant 1: wet with the spray bottle

  • Grab a spray bottle and fill it with rainwater, distilled water or boiled water
  • Now take your air plant in your hand and spray it from all sides so that it gets nice and wet
  • Put your air plant on a piece of paper to dry
  • If it is completely dry, you can put/hang it back in its original place

Variant 2: immerse Tillandsie

  • Since air plants don't like calcareous water, it's best to fill a container with rainwater, distilled water or boiled water
  • It depends on the size of your plant, because at least half of it should fit into the container
  • Now dip your tillandsia in the water for 10 seconds
  • Then you put them on a sheet of paper to dry
  • If it is completely dry, you can put/hang it back in its original place

Are you on vacation for the next three weeks? No problem! Such a period without water and nutrients is quite normal for a tillandsia. When you come back, you simply spray her vigorously and then deal with her as usual. To provide your air plant with nutrients, add half the concentration of bromeliad fertilizer to the spray water once a month. It doesn't need more! So if you like to travel, such a small air plant is an ideal survivor in your four walls.

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