Pflanzen im Herbst: 9 Ideen für die dunkle Jahreszeit-Botanicly

Planting in autumn: 9 ideas for the dark season

It's getting colder and the days are getting shorter. It rains a lot and is mostly dark. Not good conditions for plants, right? On the contrary, some plants even prefer the dark season. Here we have some colorful and very pretty ideas for plants in autumn.

Why do many plants only grow in summer?

Some plants in the garden or on the balcony come from warm and sunny regions. Many plants are not used to the low temperatures around autumn and winter and can die off in the cold. But plants also have an internal clock. As the days get shorter, there is less light for the plant. The plant notices this and then tries to prepare for the winter. Nevertheless, there are some autumn plants that are used to the cold and flower at exactly this time of the year.

3 classic plants for autumn

There are many plants in autumn, but here are the classics for you. You can definitely buy these in any garden center.

Purple Bells

The purple bell is a particularly decorative plant in autumn. It grows mainly in rock crevices and in coastal forests in North America. This perennial is evergreen, which means that it bears its leaves even in winter.

Unfortunately, this beauty only flowers from May to July, but it still has beautiful foliage that varies from species to species. These are mostly bright colors from soft to dark green, yellow-orange to dark red, silver, violet and bronze to light brown. Purple bells need a partially shaded and moist location.

Tip: If you want the plant to grow as bushy as possible, you should cut it back before it sprout. It is best to shorten them to about 10cm in February.



Heather, also known as Erika, is a must for everyone in autumn. This autumn plant is now available in all sorts of colors. In addition to the typical lilac, there are also flowers in light green, white, purple and old rose. Since it is very robust, it can be in all sorts of locations. It likes full sun, but will also grow in partial shade. If you plant them in the shade, however, the plants will hardly form any flowers and will remain rather small.

This autumn plant is definitely hardy and can be planted all year round. You should always keep them nice and moist, even in winter.


Since cyclamen likes cool temperatures, it goes perfectly with the plants in autumn. Its beautiful flower is very striking and can have different colors. Temperatures between 10 and 15°C are ideal for them. However, many violets do not tolerate frost, so you should protect them adequately. You can cover them with jute or fleece and place Styrofoam blocks under the pot. The cyclamen doesn't like direct sunlight, so don't put it near the south window.

Caution: Cyclamen is very poisonous to animals.


3 flowering plants for fall

More and more plants say goodbye at the end of summer. However, here we have 3 plants in autumn that form a beautiful and colorful flower. This is how you can survive the dreary autumn.

Autumn crocus

The autumn crocus is one of the most beautiful plants in autumn. This native bulbous plant grows in southern and central Europe on damp meadows and in sparse forests. It is a very popular ornamental plant because it comes in many different colors. They flower from August to October and are leafless during flowering.

Since each mother tuber dies after flowering and many daughter tubes grow from them, larger carpets of autumn crocus can develop. The plants prefer a sunny to semi-shady location.

You plant the tubers at a depth of 10 to 20 cm between July and September. The flowering period then begins about 4 weeks after planting.

Autumn buttons

Autumn staves are known for their incredibly colorful flowers and long flowering period. These autumn plants bloom from September to November. Autumn asters love the sun, the more sun, the more flowers. You can plant asters all year round.

In the summer, the autumn aster has a high water requirement. However, she does not like being watered from above or standing on damp ground. It is therefore better to water your autumn asters vigorously from below every few days. After flowering, you should prune your aster back to ground level. A special winter protection is not necessary.


This autumn plant originally comes from China. In China, the chrysanthemum is considered a noble plant that symbolizes happiness and prosperity. The beautiful plants in autumn like to stand in the sun. They should be watered daily during flowering.

The chrysanthemums bloom into November, but are usually grown as an annual. This means that you can dispose of them after they have bloomed. If you would like to have it in your garden next autumn, make sure when you buy it that it is a perennial. All you have to do is let them hibernate in your apartment bright and cool at a maximum of 8°C in winter.


3 extraordinary plants for autumn

Toad Lily

This beauty blooms between September and October after you planted its bulb about 25cm deep in spring. It prefers a semi-shady to shady place and does not tolerate direct sun at all. She needs sufficiently moist soil, but you should definitely avoid waterlogging. During the summer, it needs to be watered directly at the roots every day. After flowering, it should be pruned about a hand high.

Once you have planted the toad lily in your bed, it is hardy down to -20°C, but you should still cover it with some foliage to provide protection from extreme cold. However, if the toad lily was planted in a bucket, it only tolerates temperatures down to -5°C. To protect them from the cold, place the bucket on a styrofoam block and wrap it in bubble wrap.

Tip: Unfortunately, the toad lily is often a victim of the native garden slug, sometimes it helps to spread some coffee grounds or coffee powder around the lily.


Autumn gentian

This plant comes from the Chinese mountain regions, but it also looks good on your balcony. The autumn plant, which only grows to a height of between 8 and 20 cm, forms dense carpets and is ideal for rock gardens, where it will fascinate you with its typically bright blue flowers from September to November. In warmer temperatures, they even last into December. The autumn gentian prefers half-shade and likes moist, lime-poor soil. You should only water it with low-lime rainwater.


The pennisetum needs a sunny spot, so a south-facing balcony is more suitable for this plant in autumn. The pretty ornamental grass does not tolerate waterlogging, so you should water it moderately. This autumn plant needs to be watered with heavily diluted fertilizer every two weeks to keep the nutrient levels in the soil relatively the same. Most varieties are hardy and not sensitive to frost.

Between April and May you need to prune the pennisetum to a hand's breadth above the ground. This will ensure that the plant continues to grow healthy and lush.

Tip: Brown tips and stalks are often a sign of drought, in which case overwatering makes sense.


You have now got many different ideas for plants in autumn, to let your balcony bloom colorfully even in the dreary autumn. It is important that you prepare perennial plants for the winter after they have bloomed and protect them extensively from the cold.

Is your balcony already in full bloom, but could you use a few more plants in your apartment? Then have a look at our website.


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