Orchideen Krankheiten was tun? – Die 4 häufigsten Probleme und Lösungen-Botanicly

Orchid diseases what to do? – The 4 most common problems and solutions

First problem: infestation by mealybugs and mealybugs

Themeal lice are also often called mealybugs and are one of the annoying little creatures that can infest your plant. With their sucking activity, they damage the leaves, stems and roots of the orchid.

But that's not the only thing that harms the plant. The little animals also excrete toxins through their saliva. This inhibits the growth process of the still healthy plant.

Mealy lice damage

Mealybugs usually attack the leaf axils of the orchids, but they can also occur on the roots. You can recognize the infestation by mealybugs by the small white webs. This waxy substance serves as protection for the critters.

In addition, mealybugs, like aphids, secrete honeydew as a waste product. If your plant is infested, in most cases it will get a yellow leaf, which will eventually curl up.

Wolllausbefall einer Pflanze

In the best case, you always fight mealybugs with natural means and avoid chemical substances. This works best if the orchid disease has not progressed that far. You should always separate your plant immediately from the other plants because of the risk of infection.

If the flowers are affected, you have to cut them off. For the affected leaves, you can use an oil and dish soap solution (mix one liter of water with two tablespoons of olive oil and a dash of dish soap). Spray the leaves with it, then wipe away the mealybugs.

You should repeat this process every day until the animals have disappeared. You should also repot the orchid and see if the roots are also affected.

Care for your orchid

You often drag the mealybugs home with you when you buy an orchid plant. Therefore, always pay attention to the quality and avoid cheap products. The orchid soil should also be checked carefully, because the small animals can also slumber here if the quality is poor. And so they come to your apartment for nothing.

Second problem: aphid infestation

Aphids are among the most common animals that damage plants and thus cause diseases in orchids. After a lull in the winter, they emerge in greater numbers in the spring.

Aphids harmful

The aphids eat small holes in the leaves with their teeth. You can also recognize the infestation by the slightly black or green coloring of the insects. In the worst case, the leaves will even fall off.

In addition, the aphids form the so-called honeydew, which stretches over the leaves. The little animals can only use part of the plant sap. Most of them are eliminated again. This sticky white coating on the leaves is a reliable indicator of aphid infestation.

What to do when infested with aphids?

In the case of aphids, it is usually sufficient to carefully remove them with a jet of water. Then quarantine them so the aphids don't spread to other plants. Check the orchid for lice in the coming days. When no more new animals appear, you can put them back in their usual place.

Care for your orchid

Although many orchids are affected by aphids, there are a few tricks you can use to prevent aphid infestations. For example, you can place a lavender plant or savory next to your orchid.The aphids do not like the essential oils of these plants at all

Lavendel vertreibt Blattläuse

Third problem: Orchid fungus

Not only lice or mites can cause diseases in orchids. No, fungi can also attack the plant and cause significant damage.

fungal damage

You can recognize the fungal infestation very well by the brown to black spots that spread on the leaves and stems. They are a little lower and therefore form a small hollow. If you don't treat your orchid right away, the fungus can spread rapidly and go even deeper. Fungal infestation often occurs as a result of incorrect care.

What to do when infested with spider mites?

You should immediately remove the affected leaves and stems. Always use a sharp and disinfected knife for this. In addition, you can spread a cinnamon-water mixture on the leaves of the orchid. The fungus doesn't like that either.

If the humidity at the location is too high, then you should put your orchid in another place so that this problem does not appear again under the orchid diseases.

Care for your orchid

Make sure that the humidity in the room is not too high. Make sure you don't spray your orchid with water too often. It is also important to keep observing your plant during the dormant phase in order to detect fungal infestation at an early stage.

Fourth problem: Wrong location

Not only lice, mites and fungi can damage your orchid. No small animals have to infest the plant to cause diseases in orchids. Even a small mistake in orchid care leads to negative changes in your plant. Unfortunately, choosing the wrong location can have serious consequences.

Malicious image at the wrong location

One of the most common diseases among orchids is orchid sunburn. Even with plants, the top protective layer can be vulnerable. When exposed to direct sunlight, the orchid often develops brown spots or even clumps on the top of its leaves and stems.

Solution and precaution in the wrong location

The solution here is very simple and self-explanatory. If your orchid is exposed to too much sunlight, move it to a different spot where it doesn't get too much sunlight.

Lösung bei falschen Orchideen Standort


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