Frostschäden bei Zimmerpflanzen - Was tun?-Botanicly

Frost damage to indoor plants - what to do?

The temperature is the same for plants as it is for us humans: Some like it warm, others prefer it mild. Some can handle extreme temperatures just fine, but sudden cold weather will damage all plants. What many do not expect, frost damage can also occur on houseplants in the house.

How frost damage occurs on indoor plants

Frost damage to houseplants occurs when the plant is exposed to cold temperatures for several minutes. For example, through longer ventilation in winter. Damage can occur after just 10 minutes. However, placing your plant directly next to a frequently opened window can also cause damage from the cold. With tropical and subtropical plants, this can already be the case at +5°C. It is advisable to keep an eye on the temperature outside the window.

Blätter mit Frostschäden

Detect cold and frost damage

While some plants only stop growing or flowering, others have limp leaves. After a few minutes of frosty air, the leaves are damaged. Then white spots can be seen on the leaf surfaces. This is a sign that metabolism is no longer possible. The lower older leaves or shoots are often affected first, followed by the upper younger leaves or shoots. A few days later you can observe, especially with exotic plants, that the leaves turn brown and die off. If individual leaves die off, the plant can survive. If the plant has been exposed to sub-zero temperatures for a long period of time, the roots can freeze.

Treating Frost Damage

Many plants appear dead from frost damage, but will recover. However, this can be delayed by the stress that the plant has had. Therefore, you should be patient here and wait a bit. Frost damage is best removed only when the plant starts to sprout again. Dead leaves or parts of the plant that are not producing new shoots can be cut off. When cutting off part of a leaf, leave a few millimeters of dead leaf. As a result, the leaf that is still alive remains undamaged and the plant has more energy available for regeneration.

Prevention: overwinter plants properly

In order to get your plants through the winter without damage, you should bring them to a winter quarters. In addition to the stairwell, the basement or the bedroom are also suitable. Read our Overview of overwintering plants.

Have you ever had frost damage to a plant? What have you done? Feel free to write us a comment, we look forward to tips.

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