Feigenbaum Pflege: Die ultimative Übersicht mit allen Expertentipps-Botanicly

Fig tree care: The ultimate overview with all expert tips

The fig tree care made easy

Are you looking for a real jungle plant that is incredibly undemanding and just incredibly gorgeous? Then you are exactly right here.

The fiddlehead fig is an indoor fig tree and is becoming increasingly popular among houseplants. Its massive leaf masses impress every visitor and create a jungle atmosphere in the room.

Would you like to know more about the violin fig? We have summarized the ultimate overview of fig tree care for you here, so that, thanks to our expert tips, you can easily grow your own fig.

The story of the fig tree

The fiddlehead fig or ficus lyrata originally comes from the depths of the rain forests of West Africa. It comes from the mulberry family.

The violin fig owes its name to its leaves. These are incredibly large, stable and violin-shaped. Its texture is firm and leathery, the leaves also have light green veins typical of this houseplant.

This amazing houseplant can reach gigantic proportions, with its leaves alone measuring 30-50cm. These protect the fig tree in the rainforest from too much moisture. Unfortunately, the violin fig does not bear edible fruit, but the sight of it is simply breathtaking.

The fig tree is not only beautiful, it has also been proven to improve the indoor climate. It filters the air in your apartment and provides more oxygen.

Die richtige Geigenfeige Pflege

The optimal location for your fig tree

The location plays a very special role in fig tree care. The fig is very thirsty for light and should definitely be placed in a sheltered place near the window. However, the tree does not tolerate direct sunlight. Unfortunately, the imposing indoor tree quickly becomes too big for the window sill or a flower bench.

It is often said that one should turn the violin fig every now and then. This is a big mistake ! If the violin fig is moved too often, it will drop its leaves and in the worst case you will soon have a bare fig tree.

Fig tree care: how it works!

Caring for the fig tree is not difficult at all, we have written separate articles for you for each sub-item. These contain tips and tricks from the experts so that your fiddle fig can unfold its full splendor.

The right soil for your fig tree

Ordinary plant or potting soil is suitable as soil for your violin fig. The fig tree is also perfect for growing hydroponically. You can easily read about what that is and how to make your fig hydroponic in the article Hydroponic plants

You should consider this when fertilizing

Between March and October your violin fig is fertilized once a week. You can find out which fertilizer you should use and what you need to pay particular attention to in this article about Fertilize fig trees.

How often do you have to water your figs

The most important thing about fig tree care is watering. Your fiddle fig should be kept moderately moist, but never too wet. The plant absolutely does not tolerate waterlogging and the roots can even rot.

Water sparingly in winter, but never let the soil dry out completely. Here you can find out more about the hibernate fig tree.

Do I have to cut the violin fig?

Die richtige Geigenfeige Pflege

You don't need to prune The Fiddler Fig regularly. You can remove wilted or dried leaves by hand.However, if you still want to give your fiddle fig a nice pruning or you have a different type of fig, you can read all about it again in detail in the article on Pruning a fig tree

Fig tree in a pot - How to repot your fig tree

Young fiddlehead figs should be repotted annually, in early spring. Older plants only need fresh soil about every two to three years. Fiddlehead figs are best for hydroponics, you can find out exactly how to do it and what you need for it in our article on Repotting hydroponics.

This is how you multiply your fig tree

After the right fig tree care, you can also provide some offspring. The fiddler fig can be propagated by cuttings or sowing. You can easily read how this works in this article on the subject of Propagating fig trees.

Is the fiddlehead fig poisonous?

Fiddlestick figs belong to the mulberry family, all plants in this family contain a milky sap that is slightly toxic. The juice triggers allergic reactions in the skin and can cause slight discomfort when consumed. So it is better to carry out your fig tree care in a safe place. Never leave clippings or discarded leaves out of reach of children or pets.

The right room for your fig tree

The fig tree care should take place in a bright and warm room. The fig tree can grow quickly, so make sure you have enough space right from the start so that it can develop. How about the bedroom, for example? Children and animals cannot reach your plant here either.

Tips if you have problems with your violin fig

If the leaves of your fiddle fig droop in winter, it's usually because the location is too warm. Therefore, do not place your fiddle fig too close to the heater during the winter months. If the leaves turn yellow, this is usually a sign of a lack of light or nutrients. You can quickly recognize waterlogging and the resulting root rot by yellow or brownish-black spotted leaves.

Caring for the fig tree can be so easy! With these tips, absolutely nothing can go wrong. We also have an incredibly beautiful violin fig for you in our shop, feel free to visit us!


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