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Repot your houseplants: why, when and how?

There are a few good reasons why you should repot your houseplants. For example, if you observe that the roots of your plant are growing out of the pot or the proportion of the plant to the pot no longer looks healthy. However, it is also possible that you meant too well when you fertilized or watered too much and should now repot quickly to save your plant. In this short article we will show you how you can tell if you should repot your houseplants and how you can easily do it yourself.


Why new earth is good for you

Your houseplant needs nutrients, which it not only absorbs from water or fertilizer, but also from the soil. In addition, the old soil may no longer be a good home due to over-fertilizing or over-watering. By repotting, you provide your plant with important energy through fresh soil. In addition, a larger pot offers more space, so you will notice that your plant rewards you with happy growth.

A little tip: Do something good for your plant and use coffee grounds as fertilizer! Here you can read exactly how it works...

When to repot your houseplants

When is the right time to repot depends on your plant. Some plants grow very quickly, others are more slow-paced.

Regular repotting makes plants happy

As a rule of thumb, you should repot about every two years. Repotting indoor plants is actually possible all year round. However, a particularly good time is just before your plant begins to grow again, this phase is usually after winter, i.e. in February or March. This allows your plants to start spring with renewed energy after the dormant phase.

Emergency situations where you should repot quickly

As mentioned above, there are also situations in which your plants need new soil quickly. If you accidentally fertilize too much, there will be too many nutrients in the soil and your plant can dry up as a result. Another possibility is that you watered your plant too much. In such a case, root rot can develop and your plant will quickly die.

This is how you repot correctly

Repotting is very easy, here we will show you how you can easily do it yourself.

You need this for repotting

To repot your houseplant, you need some fresh organic soil, potsherds or coarse gravel and a pot with a hole in the bottom as well as a suitable saucer. The new pot should be about an inch or two larger in circumference than the old pot.


1. Remove the plant from the pot

First you remove your plant from the old pot. You can do this simply by gently holding the plant overhead with one hand and holding the plant with the other hand. If your plant doesn't slide out right away, you can give it a shake. In stubborn cases, water a little and wait a moment, then the soil will soften and it will be easier. When the plant is out of the pot, you can tap the old soil off the roots and cut off any rotten roots.

2. Prepare the new pot

The drain hole on the new pot is for excess water to drain away. This way you avoid problems caused by too much watering. So that the fresh soil does not fall out through the hole again, it is best to line the bottom of the pot with shards of pottery or gravel. Then spread a few centimeters of fresh soil over this drainage layer.

3.Place the plant in the new pot


Place your houseplant in the middle of the new pot. Now you can fill in the edges with soil up to about two centimeters below the rim. Press the soil down a little and poke the pot a few times to fill in any voids. If there is still space, you can now fill the pot even more with soil. However, leave a rim at the top so that the water does not overflow when watering. Last but not least, you can give your plant a good watering. And there you have it, congratulations!

How do you repot? Do you have any more tips for us? Write to us!


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